I know that it is Wednesday, and traditionally that you should post about your weekend maybe on Monday, but I'm not too traditional! So, here goes..... We had a wonderful weekend. Friday I left work and me and James checked out a rental house that I like and he doesn't (that's usually the way it works), then we went to Huntsville and ate at the Bonefish Grill with Matt, Heather, and Little Miss Heidi. It was so good. My boss had given us a gift card for their months ago, and that was the first time we had gotten to use it. Heidi was hilarious! She has grown so much since the last time I seen her. She was playing and crawling and it was adorable. Her and Jameson had so much fun! We went to Barnes & Nobel, and of course per usual we were in there a while, and me and James both ended up with new books. Forget that I haven't finished my last one yet. Jameson got very tired, so we went on home while he slept. Dad is working second this month and since we are living with them we have to be very quiet on Saturday mornings so that he can sleep. This is almost an impossibility with Jameson, so we got up early and went to Chick-fil-A with him. He loved it. He eats his chicken mini's and then plays on the indoor playground. Chad was working so we got to chat with him for a while. When we finished breakfast playtime we drove down to the park at the Lake at let Jameson play on the swings and the play yard. He had a blast. He was very wore out though. We went home and he slept for a while. He started not feeling well that afternoon, and actually had a horrible fever. He kept putting his hands in his mouth, so I figured that he was just teething, but he was sick until Monday morning and from it all we have two big molar teeth in the back of his mouth! So, he has 12 teeth! It was hard on him, but he pulled it through! LOL! That was pretty much the weekend.