Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Go Dawgs!!!

Okay, so yet.. another post.... I am on a roll today!!!! But this one is important. As you all know this weekend starts the ever fabulous College Football Season!!! My fabulous Dawgs will be playing Boise State Saturday night and since the odds are that they will more than likely walk away the losers, I wanted to go ahead and do my big GO DAWGS post before the defeat got to me. Also, I wanted to share the boys cute new GA shirts I made them last weekend to wear Saturday!!! I'm making myself a cute one with some zebra print fabric I had too. Got to start the season out right!!!! So Go Dawgs... Roll Tide.... and Wa..... no, I can't even bring myself to type it, but Go Dawgs and Roll Tide!!!!!
Getting One More In
(Flash Got To Him)
It's the last day of August!!! What happened to this month??? Well, what happened to this month for us was sickness, lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits, and more lawsuits. I am not complaining about being busy because being busy means making money, but I think I have filed more lawsuits this month than ever in my life! What a way to end the summer, huh? So, August is officially over at midnight tonight and I wanted to get one more August post in.
(Hollywood Joey)
We've got to go swimming a couple times this month which has been a blast. Jameson is officially not a big scaredy cat anymore in the water and is "swimming like a shark" (according to him) in his arm floaties around although he still likes to be a safe distance away from anyone who is wanting to jump in! :) No fear Joey of course has figured out how to climb out of the float and just tries to dive right in head first. I can tell I'm going to have my hands full with this one!

(Yes... this is his faces during hair cuts... had to share!)
Jameson and his daddy went fishing again last weekend at the "Long Lake" :) He come home so excited telling me that he just caught a little bitty fish, but it did this... (imagine Jameson getting in the floor and flopping like a fish... literally!!!!). It was adorable to me, but of course, I'm the Momma, so its all cute to me! Then he let me know that he got hot and The Joker (a.k.a. Trish) brought him some popcorn and he was better! I didn't know popcorn could cool you down, but you never know what your going to learn from Jameson!!
We are now on BEACH COUNTDOWN!!!!!! It is 28 days and counting til our fabulous family of four has our very first vacation since Joey has entered our lives... actually our very first vacation in two years!!! We are sooo excited! I plan to hit up some after Labor Day sales and get some good beach towels for the trip. I can't wait to feel the sand between my toes! What am I saying I can't wait to go anywhere!!! I would be happy with a nights stay in Birmingham at this point!!! But I'm glad we're going to the beach instead! You know there will be 10,000 pictures, so sorry in advance!!!!
So Labor Day weekend is upon us... 3 days.. no work... Whoo hoo!!!! Although I will be spending most of the weekend going through clothes the boys have outgrown, diaper bags I no longer am in need of (HALLELUJAH!!!!!), and other miss baby stuff (Yes, you are welcome Becca.. be prepared to get piled with a bunch of stuff before Monday!).
These is just really random blog posts and pictures I know, but its been a while and wanted to cover things! So hope all my blogger friends had a wonderful August.. and Happy September!
It's the last day of August!!! What happened to this month??? Well, what happened to this month for us was sickness, lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits, and more lawsuits. I am not complaining about being busy because being busy means making money, but I think I have filed more lawsuits this month than ever in my life! What a way to end the summer, huh? So, August is officially over at midnight tonight and I wanted to get one more August post in.
We've got to go swimming a couple times this month which has been a blast. Jameson is officially not a big scaredy cat anymore in the water and is "swimming like a shark" (according to him) in his arm floaties around although he still likes to be a safe distance away from anyone who is wanting to jump in! :) No fear Joey of course has figured out how to climb out of the float and just tries to dive right in head first. I can tell I'm going to have my hands full with this one!
Jameson and his daddy went fishing again last weekend at the "Long Lake" :) He come home so excited telling me that he just caught a little bitty fish, but it did this... (imagine Jameson getting in the floor and flopping like a fish... literally!!!!). It was adorable to me, but of course, I'm the Momma, so its all cute to me! Then he let me know that he got hot and The Joker (a.k.a. Trish) brought him some popcorn and he was better! I didn't know popcorn could cool you down, but you never know what your going to learn from Jameson!!
We are now on BEACH COUNTDOWN!!!!!! It is 28 days and counting til our fabulous family of four has our very first vacation since Joey has entered our lives... actually our very first vacation in two years!!! We are sooo excited! I plan to hit up some after Labor Day sales and get some good beach towels for the trip. I can't wait to feel the sand between my toes! What am I saying I can't wait to go anywhere!!! I would be happy with a nights stay in Birmingham at this point!!! But I'm glad we're going to the beach instead! You know there will be 10,000 pictures, so sorry in advance!!!!
So Labor Day weekend is upon us... 3 days.. no work... Whoo hoo!!!! Although I will be spending most of the weekend going through clothes the boys have outgrown, diaper bags I no longer am in need of (HALLELUJAH!!!!!), and other miss baby stuff (Yes, you are welcome Becca.. be prepared to get piled with a bunch of stuff before Monday!).
These is just really random blog posts and pictures I know, but its been a while and wanted to cover things! So hope all my blogger friends had a wonderful August.. and Happy September!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Hip Hip Hooray!
Yes, I know its been forever since I blogged but things have been a little busy! So, in the past month a lot has happened. There was getting ready for revival and then the actual revival which was wonderful. We had Bro. Royce/Sis. Gloria and Bro. Pat/Sis. Tammy all week and we had 6 receive the Holy Ghost! It kicked off on Sunday night and was just great all week! I got to be off this year from work so I got to enjoy the week instead of running home in a frenzy from work trying to get changed and ready and out there before there are no seats left!
Of course on Friday of revival was a very sentimental time for us because our little Joey turned 1 year old, to be Momma's little baby no more! Not that he ever really was a baby since he's been walking and Mr. Attitude & Bully for months now, but it is official! There will be a separate post later on his 1st birthday and birthday party since there are 10,000!
Last week was recovering from the ever eventful revival and recovering at work from being off for a week and it marked my first week returning as a full time employee. Yes, it is very depressing, but I made it through the week okay partly because I had so much done up before I left and very much because my boss was out of the office all last week so it was pretty easy going for me.
This past weekend we just needed a family day out and James had to work Saturday morning, but after he got home and rested a while we got out and headed to Huntsville. He called Matt and they weren't doing anything so they met us to eat at Rosie's and then we headed to Bridgestreet. We have only went a couple of times and the last time was when Jameson was one, so it was nice to get out there and thanks to Heather who had a stroller that Heidi wasn't going to use we made it through with Joey! But the kids got balloon animals made and rode on the carousel. Well slightly rode on the carousel. Heidi who loved the carousel and rode her pony proudly, Joey who got on a panda and was laughing it up and poor Jameson who is going to be my child through and through was terrified sitting on one of the benches we me, clinging to my arms asking me over and over... "All done Momma?, Get off now?, All Done???" So, the second go around we hung out on the sidelines and watched Ms. Heidi go by acting just as excited that she seen us the first time and the last! Jameson enjoyed watching her ride the carousel much more!
So, it's Monday again, but I'm fully refreshed and ready to go a big part to the wonderful blessing that was so very much needed last night at Church and another big part to the fact that my 1 year old slept from 9:30 until 7:15 in his own bed! My child has finally slept through the night and I am sooo thankful! I'm thinking I don't even need my coffee this morning, wait what am I saying that Peppermint Mocha is calling my name, but one cup should do! Hope all my fellow bloggers have a wonderful week!
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