Whew! Thank goodness it is Tuesday!!! Did not know if I would make it here yesterday. Work was insane and didn't get any breaks from 8-5, so by the time that I got in the car to go home I was exhausted and starving!!!
It was Carleigh's graduation from Kindergarten. And yes, I will take a moment to ponder on this because Carleigh is now a 1st grader and this statement is so painful! She's so growny and prissy now. Not that she hasn't always been growny and prissy, but now she really doesn't look like my little Carleigh anymore. Of course she's super smart, sweet (when she wants to be), and really fashionable.. so what more could a girl possibly need to be? :) It's hard to think about her being this old already since she was just a few months old when me and James got married she has definitely been our baby! So as reminiscing goes, of course I had to put a picture of our "Little Carleigh!" This picture was in the fall after Jameson was born, which takes me to another sad point that Jameson will be the same age that Carleigh was when he was born this year... ugh... tear! But anywho... Congrats to Carleigh for finishing Kindergarten and moving on in her educational career!
But since little Elijah does not do well in small confined spaces (LOL!) I opted out of the celebration to let Leli (as said by Jameson) to come play with us so LeAnne and Shannon could actually see, hear, and enjoy watching Carleigh graduate. So after a rough Monday at work I went home and had three little boys! It was a lot of fun though! And since I had Jameson and was just a few months away from having Joey when Eli was born I haven't got to spend a lot of time with him, so I've really enjoyed the Eli time that I've gotten lately. He's the sweetest baby ever, really happy, and he is sooo good! It's amazing to me that you tell a kid not to do something and they actually quit doing it. I tell Joey no no and he just looks at me, grins, and keeps on doing it! Jameson and Eli play great together and poor little Joey was just trying to keep up with them because he thought he was as big as them! There were lots of diapers, macaroni, and saying "no no" before the night was over to say the least! But it was a blast! Of course my exhaustion this morning is really sinking in and confirming my contentment in my decision to not have a third child! LOL!
Welcome to my world. Except I think you might have had it a little worse than me! The ages are more spread out and that makes a BIG difference! Go for that 3rd BOY Jenny!