Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Birthday James!!!!

So, it's Monday..... all over again!
What is up with that??

But it is also James birthday!!!! 29th to be exact! So I have one more year before I am officially married to an old man! :) of course technically I already am married to an old man since all he ever wants to do is go fishing and his grey hairs have tripled in the past six months! Of course that could have something to do with living with my parents........ but we won't go there! :)
So Happy Happy Birthday James!!!!!

It was an insane week/weekend for us. After being sick most of the week I was running on fumes for the weekend. Thursday and Friday was Tim and Becky's birthdays so we all fixed and went and hung out over there on Friday night. The boys got to play with Heidi so you know they had a blast. Saturday was cleaning and laundry morning followed by Carson's birthday party, Wal-mart run, then barely get home in enough time to get ready for church! Bro. Shirley was there Saturday night and Bro. Jimmy Sunday and they both did so wonderful! Of course I'm sure that went without saying cause they always do well. But I really enjoyed them and they were very encouraging after having a rather discouraging time lately.

The highlight of the weekend had to be Carson's party! They had one of those big blow up slides rented and the boys LOVED it!!! Jameson was a little scaredy at first (of course.. he is my child) but once he got the hang of it we basically didn't see him again until it was time for cake! :) Joey had no fear and climbed up the steps and was sliding as much as we would let him! They were all so cute on it! And they took wonderful hour and a half long naps once we left... Thank you Kris!!! :)

So thank goodness its fall break and PJ is off hanging out with his kids,
so I can at least loaf a little bit here at work!
Especially since I've got play practice tonight so rest will have to come tomorrow!

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