Okay, so we are attempting the 30 day photo challenge. Day one is a picture of yourself and fifteen facts about yourself. This is really a fun one. It is hard to come up with fifteen facts right on the spot though.
1. My name is Jenny Leah Smith Harkins (yes, all four names... I couldn't let go of the maiden name, and hated to drop the middle name although it is technically pronounced Lee not Le-Ah as it would appear... who knows what my mother was thinking?? ) I did finally change my notary to just Jenny S. Harkins though so I don't need two lines to just sign my name anymore!
2. I am married to James Harkins, the dorkiest and most hilarious person ever. He can be completely useless, a big smart aleck, and would rather be fishing than breathing, but I still love him! I don't know why exactly... so don't ask! :)
3. I am Momma to the two cutest boys in the whole wide world ... and NO! That is not a bias opinion.. it is a true fact! They are a handful, but a blast! Wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. However two boys in two years IS enough for anyone and anyone who disagrees I'm so glad your not in charge of me! LOL!
4. The most special and most important part of me is the me that happened on June 15, 2006. Almost 5 years ago I received the Holy Ghost late (very late) after almost two hours of praying on one Thursday night during revival at Huntsville Holiness Church the Lord sent me the faith that I needed. I had been laying there praying my heart out and was starting to get discouraged, but I knew I couldn't go on the way that I had and I heard Bro. Shannon Barron (who I didn't know at the time, but had stuck with me and prayed with me all week) say "You can make it". The four most simple words that I had heard 10,000 times before but I thought.. I can make it.. I can make it... and about 60 seconds later... I did! :) And I still believe I can make it today.
5. I suffer from a severe case of OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder doesn't even begin to explain the severity of my condition. James finds this amusing and uses it against me like moving the throw pillows a quarter inch out of whack so that every time I walk through the room I have to re-arrange them or hiding spit bottles all over the house so that I can find them in the refrigerator, flower arrangements, and even pillow cases to name a few. This is one of those things that I do not find funny or endearing, but apparently... he does!
6. I love GREEN!! And not like in a Go Green save the planet kind of way (although I am all for going green). I just love the color green. It is in every room in some form or another in my house. It's a very odd fact I know, but I just happened to look up and see my green pillow and I thought.. .hmm... how else am I going to fill fifteen spots??
7. I am totally, completely and utterly in love with Alexander Skarsgard a.k.a Eric Northman a.k.a. my future husband!!! LOL! It started with a love of the Sookie Stackhouse Series books where I immediately fell in love with Eric Northman, Sheriff of Area 5 in Shreveport, Louisianna, and then it fluttered into the creation of the show based on the books where I no doubt fell in love with Mr. Skarsgard playing my Mr. Northman. I can not wait for the 11th book to come out next month or the Season 4 of the show to premiere this June. I am literally counting down days to both events!
8. I am going to be 25 this year. Although it sounds like such a simple number and not really a big deal it is pretty tragic to me because I am realizing that in 5 years I have went from being a newly wed to being married over 5 years with two children under the age of 2. I don't know if I'm quite prepared to see what's going to happen in the next 5 years.
9. I am a Paralegal at Beard and Beard Attorneys in Guntersville, Alabama. I work for Attorney P.J. Harris. He is the most mild mannered person I have ever met and is so understanding. I thoroughly enjoy working there. Never one time in my 5 1/2 years working for him has he ever raised his voice or said anything mean to me. I am so thankful to have a boss like him.
10. I love love love to read!!! I'm such a nerd. Besides my Sookie Stackhouses I am also a crazy Harry Potter fan and very un-proud to be a Muggle! :) Of course this would only scratch the surface to my reading frenzy but I'm sure there is a limit on how many words can be posted in one blog!
11. I love to sleep!!! Not that I ever get to, but I love it. One of the greatest joys of being pregnant with Jameson was that wonderful exhausting sleep in the first trimester! Of course, I didn't get to enjoy that with my first trimester with Joey since I had a one year old!
12. My I feel bad go to food is Reese's and Coke. I don't know what it is, but it always makes things better! :)
13. My most wonderful stress reliever in the world is Call of Duty on X-box Live. Any version of it will do although Black Ops is quickly becoming a new favorite. There is just something about getting a headshot and hearing that ding!!! :)
14. I love Georgia Bulldogs Football! Of course this is no surprise since I grew up in the Fabulous Hotlanta!, but the Dawgs are the best!!! Even when they are not technically the best. My goal in life is to teach my boys to wear that beautiful red and black proud (especially when they play against their Daddy's favorite Roll Tide! - heheheheheheee!)
15. I LOVE LOVE LOVE living by the lake. It would be fabulous to be right on the lake, but a lake view and just a very short walk down the sidewalk to it is also very fabulous to me! I enjoy being "downtown" (as downtown as the town of Guntersville gets) and so close to the park and everything else. Plus I am only 30 minutes away from Jones Valley and less than 20 minutes away from my fabulous sister in law, Mrs. Heather Harkins, and the coolest niece in the whole wide world, Little Ms. Heidi Bug! Which is so nice to be so close and be able to get together and let the kids play!
So Whew!!! That is sooo harder than it looks, but now that you know a little more about me, hope you are not terrified! LOL! Now..... it is finally time to do my English homework! Blah!!!
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