Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Weekend is Over Already

Cannot believe that we are here! Sunday is over, the weekend is officially over, and it's time to go back to work again in the morning. We have had a marvelous weekend and some great church services today. Also got to spend some time with my long lost friend, Val, tonight. It's been forever since we've even had a conversation and it was nice to catch up, even if it was over dinner at Cracker Barrel with some horrible service!! Still a lot of fun! Now it's time to go to bed and wake up to the dreaded Monday!


  1. I am sure Val didn't have much to say at all :) I love her too- she is precious! I would love to hang out with both of yall... adult convo isn't something I get too often!

    and I did find my Gymbucks! And I didn't mean to just walk off from yall at Target- we were on a mission to the potty and I had already interrupted it with the whole leaving my purse in the car thing :) My ADD is getting worse byt the day!

    Have a great Monday!

  2. Oh you know her.. always speechless. It's sad, because it's actually like the first time we've done anything in probably 4 or 5 months, but things are crazy. There was adult convo, but it was over screaming children!!! LOL! We scared two poor teenagers sitting behind of out of ever having children! :)

    Oh whatever... you know you were being Ms. Little Snob!!! LOL! No, you looked like you were on a mission, and I think I was still laughing at the fact that you went all the way in and then had to come back out! I do that all the time, so it made me not feel so bad!
