Well, I thought it might be a good idea to write something on my blog since I have not been on here all year!!! Things have been crazy, needless to say, but try to catch up.....
After a long and tiring start to the year growing and growing with every week, our new little arrival, Joseph Marshall Harkins, arrive on July 29, 2010. It's crazy how quickly you forget how little they really are when they are first born. We now have a little boy who took his daddy's beautiful blue eyes this time! And our brown eyed Jameson is the proud big brother, who actually doesn't pay the little brother that much attention yet, Thank Goodness, but loved all the "Big Brother Gifts" that he received! I on the other hand am going to have to do some serious cleaning out of the toy closets because he received a little more than he should have!
The days have been hetic and went by quickly with a 2 year old potty training and a 2 month old who eats every five minutes at home now, but we're finally getting a schedule down and not pulling our hair out quite as much. I am getting ready to go back to work in a few weeks and life will change drastically then!
But for now everyone is doing well and both boys are growing like weeds! Me and James are having our 5 year anniversary tomorrow! 5 years already!!! It has really flown by but it has been great. Of course things are too crazy to celebrate now, but I'm thinking a good long Smokies trip after the Holiday's is in store!