Friday, June 22, 2012

Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming!

What do we do? We swim swim swim... 

Yes, now that Dorie is in your head for the rest of the day (You are welcome)....

Getting Ready to Go To Swimming Lessons
Jameson and Bailey started swimming lessons this week and that is all we have done is swim swim swim it feels like. My days have been marathons between working, rushing home, getting J-man, taking him to swim, and then taking him home and going to bed! But he had his first week show last night and he did great. Jumping off the diving board and doing the backstroke. Of course the backstroke is his favorite so he doesn't have to get his face wet... only my child! :) We have one more week and then he should be an official swimmer! He has been having a blast, but I am very ready for this to be over! :) 
Jameson very anxious

Bailey.. a little nervous at that point
After one day in obviously, the hair was an issue.. in the eyes.. everywhere.. and I have been contemplating buzzing it for the summer and letting it grow back out before revival..
Well.. I took the plunge and finally did it.. It's took some getting used to, 
but I definitely prefer the long hair! :) Thank goodness it will grow back!

Right After We Cut It

Getting Ready for His "Show Night"

My view from the pool house.. holding my breath the whole time. I really shouldn't stay and watch!

Although Jameson loves it because he feels like a peach! 
Before leaving for "Show Night"

And what is a post lately without a sideways pic? Jameson is the one in the neon short by the diving board waiting to get started!

Showing off his backstroke!

Since we have spent all our time and energy on this, nothing else has been happening.. however I will leave you with this picture of my little cross dresser son..... Isn't he cute???

I love it! The boy loves shoes, mine, James, Jameson's, his! He even wants to sleep in them!
So, that's all I got. Just remember...... ha ha ha ha ha ha i love to swim when,
when you come just swim swim swim. ;)